Kennethkalmer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,46214,619activerecord-tablelessActiveRecord Tableless Models provides a simple mixin for creating models that are not ...
28,45535,677acts_as_auditedActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table
39,45317,570daemon-kitdaemon-kit aims to simplify creating Ruby daemons by providing a sound application skel...
410,00010,198safelySafely run your code in a loving error reporting embrace
510,6628,634ably-uiShared component library and design system for Ably Real-time Ltd (
630,70359,086ruote-kitruote workflow engine, wrapped in a loving rack embrace
740,11835,677postiniLibrary to make the Postini SOAP API more palatable
843,80859,086ruote-amqpAMQP participant/receiver pair for ruote
963,86159,086smsinaboxRuby API for sending text messages via
1083,94059,086correlateHelp correlate individual documents in a No/Less-SQL environment