Mschnitzer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4461,809exception_notificationException notification for Rails apps
226,13210,005sortablejs-railsA gem that provides the SortableJS library to Rails's asset pipeline.
354,25813,321lightbox2This gem for Ruby on Rails provides the lightbox2 library to Rails's asset pipeline.
481,07640,310open-build-service-apiThe Open Build Service API wrapped into a Ruby gem.
589,71740,310teamspeak3An OOP library to query and manage TeamSpeak 3 servers in Ruby.
6133,04940,310dbtoepub(this program was not developed by the gem creator) This program converts DocBook docu...
7141,89140,310hostrado-apiA library to communicate with the Hostrado API server.
8167,68640,310githubgo2rpmThis program converts golang libraries from github to a rpm spec file.
9170,39440,310teamspeak5A TeamSpeak 5 Query API in Ruby.