1 | 1,528 | 1,040 | rubocop-rake | A RuboCop plugin for Rake |
2 | 5,366 | 2,846 | rubocop-rubycw | Integrate RuboCop and ruby -cw |
3 | 5,928 | 5,068 | mry | RuboCop has many breaking changes between releases.
This tool migrates your RuboCop... |
4 | 6,506 | 3,457 | rbs_rails | A RBS files generator for Rails application |
5 | 8,330 | 7,585 | expeditor | Expeditor provides asynchronous execution and fault tolerance for microservices |
6 | 8,750 | 31,663 | mi | Mi is a generator of migration file instead of `rails generate migration`. |
7 | 13,075 | 13,399 | the_garage | Garage extends your RESTful, Hypermedia APIs as a Platform |
8 | 18,326 | 6,126 | stackprof-run | Run a ruby script with stackprof. |
9 | 25,138 | 35,920 | rpr | RPR displays Ruby's AST on command line. |
10 | 25,715 | 26,609 | exception_notification-bugsnag | Send exception info to Bugsnag. |
11 | 27,357 | 10,726 | gry | Gry generates `.rubocop.yml` automatically from your source code. |
12 | 43,782 | 18,833 | iro | A library for syntax highlighter. It is based Ripper. |
13 | 45,559 | 86,038 | yudachi | TBD |
14 | 64,801 | 86,038 | rubocop-definition_validator | This tool detects omission of modification of callers when the name of a method, number... |
15 | 65,726 | 35,920 | rubocop-extension-generator | A generator of RuboCop's custom cops gem |
16 | 70,374 | 23,626 | merge_db_schema | It is a git merge driver for db/schema.rb of Ruby on Rails. It resolves some of the con... |
17 | 73,816 | 31,663 | import.rb | Instead of Kernel.require |
18 | 74,380 | 86,038 | arpry | Explore database without Rails |
19 | 75,147 | 86,038 | akaza | A cool Whitespace language implementation in Ruby. |
20 | 77,284 | 42,025 | gem-src-srv | Run `git clone` after `gem install` concurrently. |
21 | 80,990 | 53,556 | namero | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
22 | 92,751 | 86,038 | custom_cops_generator | DEPRECATED: Use rubocop-extension-generator gem |
23 | 93,474 | 86,038 | pry_testcase | Run binding.pry only specified testcase. |
24 | 102,345 | 86,038 | rubocop-rails-order_model_declarative_methods | Sort declarative methods of Rails model, as an extension to RuboCop. |
25 | 105,494 | 86,038 | ci_against | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
26 | 109,480 | 86,038 | equire | You can forget `require`. |
27 | 110,674 | 53,556 | overloader | Overload for Ruby. DO NOT USE THIS LIBRARY FOR PRODUCTION |
28 | 115,201 | 86,038 | rubocop-exception_call | 例外送出の際のカンマ忘れを指摘するRubocopプラグイン |
29 | 116,237 | 35,920 | hatenikki | Write nikki every day! |
30 | 123,005 | 86,038 | turl | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
31 | 124,207 | 86,038 | todofuken | Create a master table of Japanese Prefectures for Rails |
32 | 127,874 | 86,038 | rebirth | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
33 | 128,493 | 42,025 | itamae-plugin-resource-aur_package | An Itamae resource for AUR (Arch User Repository) |
34 | 128,506 | 86,038 | dont_comment | Do not comment out unused code, use version control system instead and remove it! |
35 | 131,457 | 53,556 | ruboty-rurema | Search the Ruby Reference Manual via Ruboty |
36 | 131,818 | 86,038 | flowterm | String flows in a terminal |
37 | 133,284 | 86,038 | mighty_json | A faster implementation of soutaro/strong_json |
38 | 136,944 | 11,244 | graphql-coverage | Coverage for GraphQL |
39 | 137,167 | 86,038 | ppcli | PPCLI is a CLI tool for pp. |
40 | 142,349 | 86,038 | ruboty-faker | ruboty give me a name |
41 | 147,250 | 86,038 | rubocop-configuration_cleaner | .rubocop.yml cleaner |
42 | 159,530 | 86,038 | all-gem | Run various versions of command provided by gem |
43 | 160,343 | 53,556 | Japanese | グローバル変数に日本語の別名をつけます。 |
44 | 160,548 | 86,038 | rinline | Inline expansion for Ruby |
45 | 164,528 | 86,038 | rubocop-brainfuck | A Brainfuck interpreter implementation on RuboCop |
46 | 167,245 | 86,038 | tmpgem | Temporary gem installer |
47 | 169,125 | 26,609 | activerecord-originator | This gem adds comments to the SQL to indicate where the SQL parts are constructed. |
48 | 169,967 | 86,038 | pry-octokit | pry ❤ octokit |
49 | 171,118 | 86,038 | ramnagar | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
50 | 171,728 | 86,038 | renkon | Range generator with Comparable |
51 | 172,991 | 86,038 | ovto-router | Ovto Router |
52 | 175,935 | 28,793 | majo | A memory profiler focusing on long-lived objects. |
53 | 179,961 | 53,556 | rubocop-grep | It is a RuboCop extension to define your own cop with regexps. |