Jgarber623's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,0505,949link-header-parserParse HTTP Link headers.
28,28010,377svgeezAutomatically generate an SVG sprite from a folder of SVG icons.
312,30833,893absolutelyConvert relative paths to absolute URIs.
428,56533,893webmentionA Ruby gem for sending and verifying Webmention notifications.
530,14561,367uswds-railsDeprecated from 2019-05-03. Integrate the U.S. Web Design System into a Ruby on Rails a...
630,27133,893indieweb-endpointsDiscover a URL’s IndieAuth, Micropub, Microsub, and Webmention endpoints.
747,83661,367webmention-verificationDeprecated in favor of webmention from 2022-05-13. Verify a received webmention.
857,10061,367webmention-endpointDeprecated in favor of indieweb-endpoints from 2019-04-25. Discover a URL’s Webmention ...
965,11519,101micropub-endpointDeprecated in favor of indieweb-endpoints from 2019-04-24. Discover a URL’s Micropub en...
1066,03641,086webmention-cliA command-line interface for Webmention.
1170,93461,367authorization-endpointDeprecated in favor of indieweb-endpoints from 2019-04-24. Discover a URL’s authorizati...
1282,56661,367jekyll-netlify-redirectsGenerate a Netlify redirects configuration from a Jekyll configuration.
1382,78841,086jekyll-netlify-headersGenerate a Netlify HTTP headers configuration from a Jekyll configuration.
1483,20016,657micromicroExtract microformats2-encoded data from HTML documents.
1587,77161,367token-endpointDeprecated in favor of indieweb-endpoints from 2019-04-24. Discover a URL’s token endpo...
1699,69761,367redirect-uriDeprecated in favor of indieweb-endpoints from 2019-04-24. Discover a URL’s registered ...
17112,40618,157nokogiri-html-extExtend Nokogiri with several useful HTML-centric features.
18172,47561,367sprockets-sass_embeddedProcess and compress Sass files using Sprockets 4 and Embedded Dart Sass.