Vitaly's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,41115,559rails_admin_impersonateImpersonate as a Devise user for rails_admin
213,70535,920astrails-safeAstrails-Safe is a simple tool to backup databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL), Subversion r...
322,06186,038constfigSimple Constnt Configuration for Ruby. Allows you to define configuration CONSTANTS th...
426,20586,038server-blender-manifestThis gem is part of the server-blender family (
526,45253,556server-blenderBoostrap and manage servers with shadow_puppet Server Blender tries to be a fairly min...
632,56453,556debitcreditDouble entry accounting for Rails applications
736,47786,038astrails-paypal_adaptiveLightweight wrapper for Paypal's Adaptive Payments API.
845,89686,038state-notifierSimple gem to notify 'subscribers' about record state changes.
965,13828,793lazyevalThis GEM allows to call methods lazily. The actual work will not be performed until t...
1095,41642,025irisMessaging system for Rails (coming soon, not ready yet ;)
11106,06242,025logger_wareRails middleware to log requests. Support for parameters and environment filtering. Sto...
12127,70586,038once_inMakes sure a block is executed at most once every X seconds. Globally or per thread.