1 | 13,411 | 15,559 | rails_admin_impersonate | Impersonate as a Devise user for rails_admin |
2 | 13,705 | 35,920 | astrails-safe | Astrails-Safe is a simple tool to backup databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL), Subversion r... |
3 | 22,061 | 86,038 | constfig | Simple Constnt Configuration for Ruby. Allows you to define configuration CONSTANTS th... |
4 | 26,205 | 86,038 | server-blender-manifest | This gem is part of the server-blender family (http://astrails.com/opensource/server-bl... |
5 | 26,452 | 53,556 | server-blender | Boostrap and manage servers with shadow_puppet
Server Blender tries to be a fairly min... |
6 | 32,564 | 53,556 | debitcredit | Double entry accounting for Rails applications |
7 | 36,477 | 86,038 | astrails-paypal_adaptive | Lightweight wrapper for Paypal's Adaptive Payments API. |
8 | 45,896 | 86,038 | state-notifier | Simple gem to notify 'subscribers' about record state changes. |
9 | 65,138 | 28,793 | lazyeval | This GEM allows to call methods lazily. The actual
work will not be performed until t... |
10 | 95,416 | 42,025 | iris | Messaging system for Rails (coming soon, not ready yet ;) |
11 | 106,062 | 42,025 | logger_ware | Rails middleware to log requests. Support for parameters and environment filtering. Sto... |
12 | 127,705 | 86,038 | once_in | Makes sure a block is executed at most once every X seconds. Globally or per thread. |