Matthiaswinkelmann's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
185,99086,038adhd_osxA minimal ruby interface to the OS X Notification Center. It uses the shell execution o...
298,75386,038dhashyA transformation-robust image comparison usign the difference hash (dhash) algorithm.
3112,61442,025jekyll-json-ldAn interface from Jekyll to the json-ld library. Turn front-matter YAML into beautiful ...
4113,34886,038avantgardeAvantgarde checks your projects' dependencies for outdated packages and informs you by ...
5137,80386,038cpuinfoVery basic parsing of /proc/cpuinfo for now.
6140,02686,038why_are_there_images_in_my_terminalShow an image in the (iterm2) terminal