Pgonzaga's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,44951,220music_today_api_wrapperGem to expose music today api endpoints.
231,93751,220rails_sitemapDescription of RailsSitemap.
350,43051,220mercadolibre_apiClient to consume all Mercadolibre endpoints
450,57551,220mercadolibre_railsLibrary to integrate MercadolibreApi into a Rails Project
555,77751,220popular_pagesGem to extract Google analytics metrics for popular pages
669,01951,220flimper_ponchoThis gem helps to abstract FlimperPoncho::API endpoints.
783,49051,220no_follow_external_linksA gem that adds no follow tag to all external links.
8121,38151,220code_analysisAdds a task to run rubocop, reek, rails_best_practices and scss lint into your rails pr...
9170,05651,220jquery-scrolltofixed-railsIntegrates JQuery ScrollToFixed to Rails Sprockets