#956's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,70951,220astrails-safeAstrails-Safe is a simple tool to backup databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL), Subversion r...
226,21251,220server-blender-manifestThis gem is part of the server-blender family (http://astrails.com/opensource/server-bl...
326,45551,220server-blenderBoostrap and manage servers with shadow_puppet Server Blender tries to be a fairly min...
436,48751,220astrails-paypal_adaptiveLightweight wrapper for Paypal's Adaptive Payments API.
565,15251,220lazyevalThis GEM allows to call methods lazily. The actual work will not be performed until t...
679,88551,220active_merchant_tranzilaTranzila gateway support for ActiveMerchant
7129,55751,220server-blender-coreThis gem is part of the server-blender family (http://astrails.com/opensource/server-bl...