1 | 3,511 | 3,566 | signer | WS Security XML signer |
2 | 3,746 | 3,491 | activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter | Oracle "enhanced" ActiveRecord adapter contains useful additional methods for working w... |
3 | 7,204 | 6,953 | savon-multipart | Adds multipart support (SOAP with Attachments) to Savon |
4 | 8,771 | 25,504 | omniauth-wsfed | OmniAuth WS-Federation strategy enabling integration with Windows Azure Access Control ... |
5 | 13,445 | 39,550 | saxlsx | Fast xlsx reader on top of Ox SAX parser |
6 | 24,578 | 18,641 | exchanger | Ruby library for accessing Microsoft Exchange using Exchange Web Services |
7 | 25,124 | 19,707 | database_flusher | super-fast database cleaner |
8 | 25,572 | 78,154 | xport | CSV/Excel exports with own DSL and background jobs |
9 | 26,382 | 45,714 | periodic_records | Support functions for ActiveRecord models with periodic entries |
10 | 28,253 | 30,793 | bin_packing | Provides algorithm for placing rectangles (box-es) in one or multiple rectangular areas... |
11 | 34,828 | 39,550 | omniauth-latvija | Latvija.lv authentication strategy for OmniAuth |
12 | 35,444 | 20,644 | active_merchant_first_data | First Data Latvia gateway for Active Merchant |
13 | 47,780 | 78,154 | omniauth-swedbank | OmniAuth strategy for Swedbank Banklink |
14 | 52,204 | 78,154 | horizon_client | Client for Horizon by VISMA accounting REST xml API. |
15 | 59,500 | 78,154 | oracle_ebs_authentication | This plugin provides Oracle E-Business Suite user authentication functionality. |
16 | 72,224 | 45,714 | database_loader | Load SQL views, materialized views, grants, etc. into database |
17 | 74,440 | 78,154 | ts-xml | Thinking Sphinx plugin for xmlpipe2 data sources (Oracle, SQLite3, ...) |
18 | 76,735 | 78,154 | mongo_active_instrumentation | ActiveSupport/Rails instrumentation for Mongo |
19 | 89,866 | 78,154 | omniauth-openam | This is an OmniAuth provider for OpenAM's REST API |
20 | 95,875 | 78,154 | tec_doc | Ruby client for TecDoc |
21 | 96,545 | 78,154 | omniauth-draugiem | Draugiem.lv authentication strategy for OmniAuth |
22 | 119,031 | 78,154 | omniauth-nordea | OmniAuth strategy for Nordea bank |
23 | 121,996 | 78,154 | omniauth-eklase | e-klase.lv strategy for OmniAuth. |
24 | 129,221 | 78,154 | nordea-filetransfer | Ruby client for Nordea FileTransfer Web Services |
25 | 135,052 | 78,154 | omniauth-citadele | OmniAuth strategy for Citadele Banklink |
26 | 135,490 | 78,154 | ruby-foomatic | Ruby interface to the Foomatic printer database |
27 | 150,474 | 78,154 | omniauth-dnb | OmniAuth strategy for Luminor (DNB) Link |
28 | 159,903 | 78,154 | omniauth-seb-elink | OmniAuth strategy for SEB e-link |
29 | 171,552 | 78,154 | smart_id | Smart ID wrapper libary for using Smart ID in Ruby applications |