Jrgarcia's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,1762,483rbvmomiRuby interface to the VMware vSphere API
28,7998,655vsphere-automation-cisA Ruby SDK for the vSphere REST APIs (CIS)
38,8068,797vsphere-automation-vcenterA Ruby SDK for the vSphere APIs (vCenter)
48,8228,516vsphere-automation-runtimeA Ruby SDK for the vSphere APIs (Runtime)
59,49814,438vsphere-automation-sdkA Ruby SDK for the vSphere APIs
69,51814,438vsphere-automation-contentA Ruby SDK for the vSphere APIs (Content)
79,52814,438vsphere-automation-applianceA Ruby SDK for the vSphere APIs (Appliance)
89,53214,438vsphere-automation-vapiA Ruby SDK for the vSphere APIs (VAPI)