1 | 9,572 | 4,972 | capybara_active_admin | Capybara DSL for fast and easy testing Active Admin applications. |
2 | 19,387 | 41,086 | active_house | ORM and Query DSL for ClickHouse |
3 | 22,934 | 16,657 | ip_net_active_record_type | Fixed behaviour for inet type in ActiveRecord |
4 | 23,374 | 41,086 | active_record_custom_preloader | Custom preloader for ActiveRecord. |
5 | 26,366 | 33,893 | jrpc | JSON RPC client over TCP |
6 | 33,146 | 15,060 | pg_advisory_lock | Postgresql Advisory Lock for ActiveRecord. |
7 | 34,404 | 15,549 | pg_sql_caller | Postgresql Sql Caller for ActiveRecord. |
8 | 36,837 | 61,367 | libvirt_ffi | Libvirt FFI |
9 | 38,904 | 19,101 | pgq_prometheus | Prometheus metrics for PGQ postgres extension |
10 | 38,984 | 25,716 | plain_model | Plan Old Ruby Object with ORM and query support. |
11 | 40,225 | 41,086 | retry_unsafe_method | Allow to retry unsafe methods. |
12 | 45,081 | 61,367 | rake_script | Rake scripts helper for file system and shell commands. |
13 | 45,490 | 61,367 | didww-v3 | Ruby client for DIDWW API v3 |
14 | 68,687 | 61,367 | libvirt_async | Libvirt event implementation on Fibers based on libvirt-ruby and async gems. |
15 | 77,270 | 61,367 | alsa_aconnect | Control ALSA aconnect util through ruby with zero dependency |
16 | 78,033 | 23,402 | async_cable | Dead simple websocket middleware for Rack async app. |
17 | 108,657 | 61,367 | rack_router | Simple and functional rack middleware for routing requests. |
18 | 129,885 | 29,456 | cryptomus | Ruby SDK for Cryptomus Crypto Payment Gateway. |
19 | 136,265 | 33,893 | async_resource_pool | Async resource pool for fibers. |
20 | 172,854 | 41,086 | worker_killer-rufus_scheduler | Process killer for Rufus scheduler |
21 | 174,976 | 61,367 | async_active_job | Multi-fiber, Postgres-based, ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails |