Senid231's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,5724,972capybara_active_adminCapybara DSL for fast and easy testing Active Admin applications.
219,38741,086active_houseORM and Query DSL for ClickHouse
322,93416,657ip_net_active_record_typeFixed behaviour for inet type in ActiveRecord
423,37441,086active_record_custom_preloaderCustom preloader for ActiveRecord.
526,36633,893jrpcJSON RPC client over TCP
633,14615,060pg_advisory_lockPostgresql Advisory Lock for ActiveRecord.
734,40415,549pg_sql_callerPostgresql Sql Caller for ActiveRecord.
836,83761,367libvirt_ffiLibvirt FFI
938,90419,101pgq_prometheusPrometheus metrics for PGQ postgres extension
1038,98425,716plain_modelPlan Old Ruby Object with ORM and query support.
1140,22541,086retry_unsafe_methodAllow to retry unsafe methods.
1245,08161,367rake_scriptRake scripts helper for file system and shell commands.
1345,49061,367didww-v3Ruby client for DIDWW API v3
1468,68761,367libvirt_asyncLibvirt event implementation on Fibers based on libvirt-ruby and async gems.
1577,27061,367alsa_aconnectControl ALSA aconnect util through ruby with zero dependency
1678,03323,402async_cableDead simple websocket middleware for Rack async app.
17108,65761,367rack_routerSimple and functional rack middleware for routing requests.
18129,88529,456cryptomusRuby SDK for Cryptomus Crypto Payment Gateway.
19136,26533,893async_resource_poolAsync resource pool for fibers.
20172,85441,086worker_killer-rufus_schedulerProcess killer for Rufus scheduler
21174,97661,367async_active_jobMulti-fiber, Postgres-based, ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails