Crankharder's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,01313,134blueA deployment framework for rails apps
213,60312,469imprintA gem to help improve logging. Focused on request tracing and cross app tracing.
322,92532,305blue-resqueA Resque plugin for the Blue deployment framework
432,09127,493blue-resque-schedulerA Resque Scheduler plugin for the Blue deployment framework
534,67150,030blue-postgresqlA PostgreSQL plugin for the Blue deployment framework
637,0989,439resque-cleanererresque-cleaner maintains the cleanliness of failed jobs on Resque.
744,33845,181perma_cacheIt's a perma cache, duh
856,32963,356active_record_storeKey/Vale Store in AR
962,29980,166blue-monitA Monit plugin for the Blue deployment framework.
1063,67263,356salsa_labsA Ruby binding for the Salsa Labs ( API.
1174,888110,038vcr_helpermakes vcr easier to use
1292,013110,038peace_of_mindEasily manage backups as if they were objects.
1394,08280,166blue-unicornA Unicorn plugin for the Blue deployment framework
14126,588147,217blue-redisA Redis plugin for the Blue deployment framework
16127,333147,217blue-nginxA Nginx plugin for the Blue deployment framework