Hiroyasuohyama's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
134,94186,038sensu-plugins-stackstormSensu plugins for StackStorm
268,18853,556bitbrokerYet another File Synchronize Software using AMQP
378,41753,556resource_inThis integrates IT resources.
478,74786,038dl_racktablesThis is a library to operatate objects which is manged by Racktables
580,00486,038rbnewtThis aims to to be the fastest Ruby client for NewtMQ which is an implementation of STO...
698,54486,038dl-nippo-helperYou can automate the task to register your nippo at the end of each month.
7126,70286,038rpc-benchA simple benchmark tools for some kind of RPC frameworks
8152,39486,038mqbenchThis aims to be a common benchmark tool for MOM