1 | 39,651 | 59,086 | redmine_rest | Gem includes some ActiveResource models for Redmine |
2 | 40,554 | 35,677 | redmine_cli | CLI for Redmine |
3 | 60,747 | 16,885 | ruby-mpd-client | yet another MPD client on Ruby |
4 | 77,645 | 59,086 | ya_telegram_bot | Module for using Telegram Bot API |
5 | 82,283 | 59,086 | erb_sandbox | Gem allows you to render ERB templates in sandbox with predefined vars |
6 | 102,549 | 59,086 | non_config | Good (I hope) way to use your config files |
7 | 141,289 | 59,086 | st_validation | Yet another validation library |
8 | 159,881 | 59,086 | barrymore | Barrymore - DSL for defining chat bot commands (like telegram bot commands) |