1 | 66,505 | 86,038 | bbs_uploader | 简单封装七牛的图片上传,并演示如何创建 gem 的功能 |
2 | 81,246 | 86,038 | gee_test | GeeTest 就是我将某段 ruby 代码封装成 ruby gem。 |
3 | 103,385 | 86,038 | template_docx | A Ruby library to template Microsoft Word .docx files. Uses a .docx file with keyword t... |
4 | 118,779 | 42,025 | layer-rails | layer 是贤心创作的一款颇受好评的jquery 弹出层插件 |
5 | 154,895 | 86,038 | chained-rails | Chained is simple chained selects plugin. It works with both jQuery and Zepto. Use clas... |
6 | 155,931 | 86,038 | activiti_mirror | activiti_mirror is a tool, which use to upload activit file to qiniu and download it |
7 | 156,630 | 86,038 | countdown-rails | countdown 是一款倒计时的插件 |
8 | 157,400 | 86,038 | radialIndicator-rails | s-yadav's radialIndicator Rails assets 打包, 是一款轻量级的图形指示器。 |
9 | 161,982 | 42,025 | jar_download | jar download is used to download jar file from maven repoistroy |