Xiajian's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
166,43432,232bbs_uploader简单封装七牛的图片上传,并演示如何创建 gem 的功能
280,63091,645gee_testGeeTest 就是我将某段 ruby 代码封装成 ruby gem。
3103,28291,645template_docxA Ruby library to template Microsoft Word .docx files. Uses a .docx file with keyword t...
4118,09291,645layer-railslayer 是贤心创作的一款颇受好评的jquery 弹出层插件
5153,98652,782chained-railsChained is simple chained selects plugin. It works with both jQuery and Zepto. Use clas...
6155,18865,138activiti_mirroractiviti_mirror is a tool, which use to upload activit file to qiniu and download it
7155,59965,138countdown-railscountdown 是一款倒计时的插件
8156,18891,645radialIndicator-railss-yadav's radialIndicator Rails assets 打包, 是一款轻量级的图形指示器。
9161,00091,645jar_downloadjar download is used to download jar file from maven repoistroy