C80609a's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,08963,432c80_estatefor real estate app
219,33041,916c80_map_floorsMap + map editor
325,90822,084c80_yaxGem adds yax to site
428,64163,432c80_mdtoo much
529,85763,432c80_mapMap + map editor
634,29330,305c80_news_tzGem adds news+ to techz site
741,97341,916c80_order_formOrder form
842,40763,432c80_newsGem adds news to site
945,75263,432c80_pushДобавляет функционал дилеров и офисов продаж
1051,81463,432c80_feedback_formGem adds functionality to allow users to send feedback messages from site.
1152,14163,432c80_contestПришли чек и участвуй в розыгрыше 500 литров бензина
1254,55163,432c80_catoffersGem adds categories and offers
1359,92563,432c80_wslider2Gem adds wide screen slider to site
1460,66741,916jquery_lazy_loadThe applied usage of the Jquery LazyImage plugin. Block container with lazy ...
1561,35863,432c80_featuresAdds model Features::Para (paragraph) to site, which are usually enumerated as text blo...
1683,94863,432c80_album_galleryGem adds galleries to site
1785,38363,432c80_refine_priceGem adds refine price to site
1887,97563,432c80_git_bashУтилиты для работы с git
1994,97963,432c80_modal_formsSmall gem containing single `modal_form.js` file provides basic functionality for using...
2098,69063,432c80_wsliderПозволяет создавать слайдеры на всю ширину (css background-size)
2198,77663,432c80_brandsGem adds brands to site
2299,03163,432labelup_faqlabelup_faq labelup_faq
2399,15063,432c80_callbackGem adds callback to site
24113,31463,432c80_social_networksGem adds social networks to site
25117,05263,432c80_lazy_imagesGem adds Lazy images helper and partials to site
26117,64663,432c80_swiperGem adds swipers to site
27129,86063,432c80_active_record_unionUNIONs in ActiveRecord! Adds proper union and union_all methods to ActiveRecord::Relation.
28134,74963,432c80_flowplayerFlowplayer helper for Rails 4