Youchan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,67442,025meniliteThis is isomorphic models for sharing between client side and server side.
230,18115,804hyaliteVirtual DOM implimentation in Ruby using Opal
334,82553,556gibierThis is a simple slideshow app using Hyalite( Its p...
437,79317,444kame-remoconThis is a remote controller to command for the turtle draw graphics.
551,64186,038retrieva-copRetrievaCop is a RuboCop configuration gem.
656,42386,038drb-websocketA druby protocol of WebSocket.
759,94686,038silicaWeb application framework spcialized for the single page applications using Opalrb.
865,58724,968hyaslideThis is presentation app making slide from markdown file.
971,11186,038opal-drbA dRuby implementation for Opal which is using WebSocket as Protocol.
10119,97286,038opal-test-unitA unit test framework for Opal.
11138,78986,038eighty-oneA game engine of Shogi.