1 | 3,549 | 4,096 | delorean | Delorean lets you travel in time with Ruby by mocking Time.now |
2 | 5,986 | 6,884 | chrome_remote | ChromeRemote is a client implementation of the Chrome DevTools Protocol in Ruby |
3 | 7,149 | 10,791 | steak | Steak is a minimal extension of RSpec-Rails that adds several conveniences to do accept... |
4 | 13,825 | 15,410 | hashme | Modeling with Hashes made easy. |
5 | 16,250 | 28,297 | gobl | Minimalist ruby version of the GOBL library |
6 | 29,909 | 29,727 | persistize | Easy denormalization for your ActiveRecord models |
7 | 64,002 | 39,646 | almodovar-server | BeBanjo API server components |
8 | 104,809 | 97,080 | rack-useragent | Rack Middleware for filtering by user agent |
9 | 127,952 | 117,678 | synchronize | Synchronize is designed to automate the ugly tasks of restoring database dumps and asse... |