Timogoebel's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,3653,129fog-vsphereThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use vSphere...
213,33818,431foreman_bootdiskPlugin for Foreman that creates iPXE-based boot disks to provision hosts without the ne...
323,53326,667puppetdb_foremanDisable hosts on PuppetDB after they are deleted or built in Foreman. Follow https://gi...
431,46021,034foreman_expire_hostsA Foreman plugin that allows hosts to expire at a configurable date. Hosts will be shut...
533,58623,861foreman_default_hostgroupAdds the option to specify a default hostgroup for new hosts created from facts/reports
642,21932,595ipaddrjs-railsA library for manipulating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in JavaScript. For Rails.
744,23251,488foreman_digitaloceanProvision and manage DigitalOcean droplets from Foreman.
845,20823,861foreman_monitoringForeman plugin for monitoring system integration.
949,07951,488foreman_column_viewDisplays an additional column in the Foreman Hosts view and/or additional entries in ...
1050,17122,190foreman_wreckingballAdds status checks of the VMWare VMs to Foreman.
1155,35126,667foreman_memcacheAdds memcache support to foreman
1255,75022,190foreman_omahaThis plug-in adds support for the Omaha procotol to The Foreman. It allows you to bette...
1364,72521,034foreman_git_templatesAdds support for using templates from Git repositories
1465,70921,034foreman_vaultAdds support for using credentials from Hashicorp Vault
1568,75622,190foreman_host_extra_validatorThis plugin adds extra validations to a host.
1674,83726,667smart_proxy_omahaThis plug-in adds support for the Omaha Procotol to Foreman's Smart Proxy.
1778,64922,190smart_proxy_monitoringFor use together with the foreman_monitoring plugin.
1879,42221,034foreman_rescueForeman Plugin to provide the ability to boot a host into a rescue system.
1982,99032,595foreman_icingaSet a downtime for hosts after they are deleted in Foreman.
2097,36823,861foreman_dlmAdds a Distributed Lock Manager to Foreman. This enables painless system updates for cl...
21111,26432,595foreman_spacewalkSpacewalk integration for Foreman.
22117,19216,348foreman_supervisory_authorityThis plug-in for Foreman sends data to Elastic APM.
23121,93422,190foreman_netboxAdds integration with NetBox
24129,51326,667foreman_userdataThis plug-in adds support for serving user-data for cloud-init to The Foreman.
25157,41122,190foreman_vmwareannotationsThis plug-in copies the host comment to VMWare annotations in The Foreman.
26160,17823,861foreman_concretePlug-in for The Foreman to send exceptions to sentry.
27164,052129,735smart_proxy_spacewalkThis plug-in adds support for managing hosts registered at a spacewalk server to Forema...