Adaptavist's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,29313,670avst-cloudAutomated creation, bootstrapping and provisioning of servers
221,43486,038puppet-runnerLoads user config and created result hiera config and executes puppet apply with it.
448,95242,025hiera-fragmentTakes YAML fragments and merges them into a larger document as par of a Hiera pre-proce...
570,99086,038atlassian_plugin_installerInstalls JIRA plugin using UPM
686,80042,025hiera_loaderAccess to hiera variables. Requires hiera.yaml and scope defined.
7107,53586,038avst_multi_loggerExtends ruby logger, adds multiple sources and log summary
8118,12886,038confluence_reporterCreates and updates pages in confluence