Zsyed91's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,42616,697pi_piperEvent driven Raspberry Pi GPIO library
281,86353,556vlc_proxySimple Ruby wrapper around the HTTP server VLC exposes
3113,17631,663action_alexaGem that helps process Amazon Alexa Intents with Rails
4127,49486,038carquery-clientRuby client providing an interface to https://carqueryapi.com/api
5158,32086,038open_weather_liteWrapper class for the OpenWeatherMap api.Provides a simple interface to the api calls.A...
6158,90986,038pr_statusGet the count of pull requests opened from the first of the month
7159,99653,556NetMonRuby network health monitor. Contains heart beats to ensure internet connectivity. Chec...