Atpking's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,20916, command tool, support iOS and Android
214,2969,916fastlane-plugin-pgyerdistribute app to pgyer beta testing service
422,73531,663fastlane-plugin-fir_cliupload ipa or apk to
522,95718,351admqr_knifesend vsist record to admqr service
665,29986,038docapurlcap web url
7120,95786,038tail_f_rabbitmqlike tail -f command, this gem should caputre the change of files and send it to rabbitmq
8131,95586,038flow_project_manager用来处理project 在实际机器中运行中flowci中与api的通信
9158,28386,038time_alertcould be a timer on cli
10167,93553,556idcard_operationChinese idcard operation
11177,03942,025ip2regionip2region ruby version.