1 | 8,209 | 16,697 | fir-cli | fir.im command tool, support iOS and Android |
2 | 14,296 | 9,916 | fastlane-plugin-pgyer | distribute app to pgyer beta testing service |
3 | 15,952 | 18,351 | api_tools | 简单点 |
4 | 22,735 | 31,663 | fastlane-plugin-fir_cli | upload ipa or apk to fir.im |
5 | 22,957 | 18,351 | admqr_knife | send vsist record to admqr service |
6 | 65,299 | 86,038 | docapurl | cap web url |
7 | 120,957 | 86,038 | tail_f_rabbitmq | like tail -f command, this gem should caputre the change of files and send it to rabbitmq |
8 | 131,955 | 86,038 | flow_project_manager | 用来处理project 在实际机器中运行中flowci中与api的通信 |
9 | 158,283 | 86,038 | time_alert | could be a timer on cli |
10 | 167,935 | 53,556 | idcard_operation | Chinese idcard operation |
11 | 177,039 | 42,025 | ip2region | ip2region ruby version. |