Rbur004's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
137,78616,639vincenty* Vincenty wrote an algorithm for calculating the bearing and distance between two coor...
252,15963,432gedcomA Ruby GEDCOM text file parser and producer, that produces a tree of objects from each ...
357,67063,432wikk_aes_256Class for AES 256 encryption of text.
461,71263,432figshare_api_v2Figshare version 2 API. Actually the second version of the version 2 APIs. Lots of cha...
582,95363,432sunrisesetSunRiseSet is a ruby class calculates the times of the sunrise, solar noon and sunset. ...
684,94863,432wikk_configurationRuby class to read json configuration files, and present the top level values as method...
785,17963,432wikk_webbrowserWrapper around ruby http and https libraries. Converted to a gem from a mixture of ver...
885,44163,432wikk_sqlWrappers around mysql gem. Consolidation of bits of code from many of my projects, goin...
986,04363,432wikk_web_authGem provides common authentication framework for Wikarekare's Ruby CGIs.
1087,59963,432wikk_jsonQuick hack to add to_j methods to Array,Hash,Nil,String and Numeric to output nicely fo...
1199,54163,432wikk_passwordReads/writes password file entries of format user:password and provides tests for passw...
13127,27163,432VersionCheckVersionCheck is a ruby class provides tests against a packages version so we can dete...
14139,44541,916powercontroller9202A Ruby GEDCOM to communicate with an Aviosys Inc. 9202 IP Power Controller (and associa...
15154,48641,916dir_rSimple recursive walk through a directory, yielding the directory, filename and if the ...
16174,66563,432wikk_ipv4FIX (describe your package)