Damianlegawiec's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,2372,312defaceDeface is a library that allows you to customize ERB, Haml and Slim views in a Rails ap...
23,7045,603spree_coreSpree Models, Helpers, Services and core libraries
33,7305,673spreeA complete open source e-commerce solution with multi-store, multi-currency and multi-l...
43,7355,722spree_apiSpree's API
53,9066,743spree_sampleOptional package containing example data of products, stores, shipping methods, categor...
64,0325,836spree_backendAdmin Dashboard for Spree eCommerce platform
74,04611,371spree_cmdSpree Commerce command line interface
84,1486,660spree_frontendSpree Commerce Storefront built with Rails and Turbo/Hotwire
94,5195,585spree_extensionCommon tools and helpers for Spree Extensions developers
104,8655,907spree_auth_deviseProvides authentication and authorization services for use with Spree by using Devise a...
115,1305,692spree_gatewayCollection of Payment Gateways for Spree Commerce such as Stripe, Braintree, etc.
128,74231,584spree_promoRequired dependency for Spree
138,76237,743spree_dashRequired dependency for Spree
149,99737,743spree_authRequired dependency for Spree
1510,3806,485spree_emailsOptional transactional emails for Spree such as Order placed or Shipment notification e...
1610,5007,855spree_i18nProvides locale information for use in Spree.
1711,7936,308spree_cliSpree Commerce command line interface
1814,88712,550spree_dev_toolsSpree Developer Tools
1916,86611,903spree_analytics_trackersSupports Google Analytics
2031,02455,084spree_static_contentExtention to manage the static pages for your Spree shop.
2131,85755,084spree_address_bookAdds address book for users to Spree
2232,91911,903spree_multi_vendorSpree Commerce multi vendor marketplace extension
2336,01055,084spree_editorAtm supported: YUIRichEditor, WYMEditor, TinyMCE
2464,04655,084spree_multi_domainMultiple Spree stores on different domains - single unified backed for processing orders.
2575,30655,084spree_socialAdds social network login services (OAuth) to Spree
2689,12955,084spree_related_productsAllows multiple types of relationships between products to be defined
2793,43655,084spree_volume_pricingAllow prices to be configured in quantity ranges for each variant
28104,92355,084spree_email_to_friendSpree extension to send product recommendations to friends
29108,39255,084spree_avatax_officialThe new officially supported Avalara AvaTax extension for Spree Commerce using Avalara ...
30110,02155,084spree_wishlistAdd wishlists to Spree
31117,50255,084spree_active_shippingSpree extension for providing shipping methods that wrap the active_shipping plugin.
32118,54737,743spree_braintree_vzeroOfficial Braintree + PayPal for Spree Commerce
33119,71455,084spree_commentsComments for orders and shipments
34125,34555,084spree_product_assemblyAdds oportunity to make bundle of products to your Spree store