Scalingo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,90268,625etcd-discoveryRuby implementation of a service discovery tool based on etcd
230,79642,281philaeProvide an health check API
333,78768,625scalingo_databases_rake_tasksPerform database related tasks on Scalingo.
439,10542,281nsq-env# Configure NSQ consumers and producers based on Krakow from environment ## Environmen...
556,43851,041scalingoRuby client library for the web APIs of Scalingo, a european Platform-as-a-Service
668,11868,625scalingo-ruby-apiRuby wrapper around the web API of
771,92168,625rollbar-mongoid-extensionExtension to rollbar-gem to use the ActiveRecordExtension with Mongoid
878,43936,905ansi_up-railsThis gem provides ansi_up for your Rails 4+ application.
9117,60168,625omniauth-scalingoOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Scalingo.
10121,73551,041mongoid-unscoped-relationsExtension to mongoid to define relationships which are fetched unscoped
11136,18942,281docker-cleanerSmall utility to clean old docker data, containers according to some settings
12146,38568,625rack-http-pipe# Rack HTTP Pipe Use to pipe directly a remote HTTP file without buffering it. > /...
13163,65268,625scalingo-provider_apiA gem that implement the basic method to communicate between an addon provider and the ...