Amckinnell's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,037102,511autocomplete_forModel-side logic for autocompleting belongs_to associations
220,60220,377nulogy-fitter-happiersend bug reports to
321,17016,847screengemRuby implementation of the Screengem Pattern.
424,69616,327tdcA simple framework for creating a Test Data Catalog
529,72518,096nucopNulogy's implementation of RuboCop, including custom cops and additional tooling.
630,89820,377nutrellaA command line tool for creating a Trello Board based on the current git branch.
732,84321,580nulogy_graphql_apiStandard tooling for building GraphQL apis
843,45941,024normalize_line_endingsConverts \r\n characters to \n for attributes on ActiveModel-like entities.
950,38780,697time_intervalsLibrary for doing operations on collections of time intervals.
10127,617141,551callgraphyA command line tool for creating a call graph for a target class.