1 | 594 | 618 | net-ldap | Net::LDAP for Ruby (also called net-ldap) implements client access for the
Lightweight ... |
2 | 3,440 | 3,086 | geoip-c | Generic GeoIP lookup tool. Based on the geoip_city RubyGem by Ryan Dahl |
3 | 8,589 | 51,488 | task_list | GitHub-flavored-Markdown TaskList components |
4 | 12,896 | 12,656 | ruby-net-ldap | Net::LDAP is an LDAP support library written in pure Ruby. It supports all LDAP client ... |
5 | 13,807 | 18,007 | github-ldap | LDAP authentication for humans |
6 | 30,248 | 129,735 | peaty | Just another Pivotal Tracker API Implementation |
7 | 30,334 | 26,667 | halcyon | A JSON App Server Framework |
8 | 53,503 | 32,595 | activerecord-table_version | Specify a table name with a version number |
9 | 54,145 | 26,667 | aurora | A Simple Authentication Server |
10 | 54,464 | 129,735 | pingdom-client | Pingdom Ruby Client |
11 | 71,559 | 51,488 | freckle | Let's Freckle API Client |
12 | 75,977 | 129,735 | xml_to_json | Transforms a string of XML into a string of JSON |
13 | 77,719 | 51,488 | cadence | Track counts and compute rate of iteration. Set up callbacks for various
intervals ... |
14 | 119,953 | 32,595 | decor | Provides a simple way to define multiple representations of an object |
15 | 122,741 | 51,488 | faraday-auth-hmac | Signs Faraday requests with AuthHMAC |
16 | 128,435 | 129,735 | with_reverse_lookup | Provides a simple modification to existing hashes to provide key lookup
by value in... |