Mtodd's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1609586net-ldapNet::LDAP for Ruby (also called net-ldap) implements client access for the Lightweight ...
23,3934,557geoip-cGeneric GeoIP lookup tool. Based on the geoip_city RubyGem by Ryan Dahl
38,40461,367task_listGitHub-flavored-Markdown TaskList components
412,66420,275ruby-net-ldapNet::LDAP is an LDAP support library written in pure Ruby. It supports all LDAP client ...
513,66418,157github-ldapLDAP authentication for humans
629,95116,044peatyJust another Pivotal Tracker API Implementation
730,03161,367halcyonA JSON App Server Framework
853,00161,367activerecord-table_versionSpecify a table name with a version number
953,70761,367auroraA Simple Authentication Server
1054,14520,275pingdom-clientPingdom Ruby Client
1171,15161,367freckleLet's Freckle API Client
1275,53561,367xml_to_jsonTransforms a string of XML into a string of JSON
1377,23761,367cadenceTrack counts and compute rate of iteration. Set up callbacks for various intervals ...
14119,39261,367decorProvides a simple way to define multiple representations of an object
15122,18561,367faraday-auth-hmacSigns Faraday requests with AuthHMAC
16127,82161,367with_reverse_lookupProvides a simple modification to existing hashes to provide key lookup by value in...