Klauskdk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,85741,916brpm_content_frameworkThe BRPM Content Framework is a lightweight framework that allows to run automation log...
216,41241,916brpm_module_bladelogicBladeLogic automation scripts and libraries to run on top of the BRPM Content framework...
317,06241,916brpm_module_brpmBRPM automation scripts and libraries to run on top of the BRPM Content framework. See ...
431,89841,916brpm_module_jiraJIRA automation scripts and libraries to run on top of the BRPM Content framework. See ...
537,10941,916brpm_module_servicenowServiceNow automation scripts and libraries to run on top of the BRPM Content framework...
644,95630,305brpm_module_brpdBRPD automation scripts and libraries to run on top of the BRPM Content framework. See ...
749,57941,916brpm_module_ansibleThe Ansible module allows to execute Ansible roles in a similar way as playbooks can do...
853,99641,916brpm_module_demoDemo customer's automation scripts and libraries to run on top of the BRPM Content fram...