Foxpaul's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
141,10237,537rooftop-railsThis gem provides utility methods and a mountable engine for Rails applications using t...
248,94337,537rooftopAn ActiveRecord-like interface to the Rooftop CMS JSON API
373,24237,537rooftop-rails-extrasA selection of handy mixins for building Rails sites quickly with Rooftop
476,54637,537spektrixA client library for the Spektrix ticketing system. Requires a Spektrix user account.
596,88337,537layers_of_london-booth-map_toolBooth poverty map tool API for Layers Of London
698,38421,119wicked-wizard-validationsThis gem allows you to conditionally validate your models, based on where in a multi-st...
7107,07737,537simple_errorsWe're forever writing the same rescue code for our Rails apps. This gem will hopefully ...
8109,604132,035rooftop-spektrix_syncA set of tasks to sync events between Spektrix and Rooftop CMS
9111,04637,537error_agency-dockerA Rails generator for docker configurations
10120,004132,035closeio-railsA wrapper around the closeio gem to provide some useful functionality in Rails
11134,72237,537thredded-post_attachmentsAdds support for images to be attached to a Thredded post (using Carrierwave)
12166,91137,537errorstudio_capistrano_recipesCap recipes we use to deploy our websites.