1 | 2,022 | 2,454 | solve | A Ruby version constraint solver |
2 | 2,214 | 3,525 | berkshelf | Manages a Chef cookbook's dependencies |
3 | 2,237 | 6,263 | varia_model | A mixin to provide objects with magic attribute reading and writing |
4 | 2,249 | 6,294 | buff-extensions | Extensions to Core Ruby classes |
5 | 2,266 | 6,353 | buff-shell_out | A mixin for issuing shell commands and collecting the output |
6 | 2,269 | 6,413 | buff-ruby_engine | A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby |
7 | 2,273 | 6,294 | buff-config | A simple configuration class |
8 | 2,305 | 6,464 | buff-ignore | Parse ignore files with Ruby |
9 | 3,131 | 8,315 | minitest-chef-handler | Run minitest suites after your Chef recipes to check the status of your system. |
10 | 3,525 | 5,560 | kitchen-inspec | A Test Kitchen Verifier for InSpec |
11 | 3,648 | 4,059 | win32-process | The win32-process library implements several Process methods that are
either unimpl... |
12 | 3,743 | 7,127 | berkshelf-api-client | API Client for communicating with a Berkshelf API server |
13 | 4,638 | 6,340 | win32-service | The win32-service library provides a Ruby interface to services on
MS Windows. You ... |
14 | 5,201 | 10,015 | win32-security | The win32-security library provides an interface for dealing with
security related ... |
15 | 5,844 | 7,470 | win32-dir | The win32-dir library provides extra methods and constants for the
builtin Dir clas... |
16 | 5,999 | 5,819 | ffi-win32-extensions | The ffi-win32-extensions library adds additional methods to the FFI
and String clas... |
17 | 6,219 | 7,178 | em-winrm | EventMachine based, asynchronous parallel WinRM client |
18 | 6,267 | 6,874 | win32-eventlog | The win32-eventlog library provides an interface to the MS Windows event
log. Event... |
19 | 7,265 | 22,512 | vagrant-omnibus | A Vagrant plugin that ensures the desired version of Chef is installed via the platform... |
20 | 7,389 | 6,492 | win32-ipc | The win32-ipc library provides the Win32::IPC class. This is meant to
serve as an a... |
21 | 7,511 | 17,070 | vagrant-berkshelf | A Vagrant plugin to add Berkshelf integration to the Chef provisioners |
22 | 7,657 | 6,680 | win32-event | The win32-event library provides an interface to Windows event objects.
An event ob... |
23 | 7,876 | 42,025 | chef-server | A meta-gem to install all server components of the Chef configuration management system |
24 | 8,199 | 7,899 | win32-taskscheduler | The win32-taskscheduler library provides an interface to the MS Windows
Task Schedu... |
25 | 9,013 | 7,721 | win32-mmap | The win32-mmap library provides an interface for memory mapped IO on
MS Windows. |
26 | 9,033 | 7,844 | win32-mutex | The win32-mutex library provides an interface for creating mutex objects
on MS Wind... |
27 | 9,221 | 6,908 | win32-certstore | Ruby library for accessing the certificate stores on Windows. |
28 | 10,527 | 4,884 | chef-infra-api | A tiny Chef Infra API client with minimal dependencies |
29 | 12,650 | 35,920 | win32-file-stat | The win32-file-stat library provides a custom File::Stat class
specifically tailore... |
30 | 12,794 | 26,609 | winrm-s | Gem that extends the functionality of the WinRM gem to support the Microsoft Negotiate ... |
31 | 12,993 | 35,920 | win32-file | The win32-file library adds several methods to the core File class which
are specif... |
32 | 13,473 | 11,826 | win32-clipboard | The win32-clipboard library provides an interface for interacting
with the Windows ... |
33 | 17,136 | 15,559 | knife-cloud | knife-cloud plugin |
34 | 17,453 | 13,979 | kitchen-nodes | A Test Kitchen Provisioner for Chef Nodes |
35 | 17,483 | 86,038 | berkshelf-api | Berkshelf dependency API server |
36 | 18,276 | 24,968 | r-train | This gem is deprecated in favor of train. |
37 | 18,327 | 86,038 | buff-platform | A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby |
38 | 20,012 | 42,025 | win32-sound | The win32-sound library provides an interface for playing various
sounds on MS Wind... |
39 | 20,018 | 31,663 | win32-sapi | The win32-sapi library provides an interface to the MS Windows sound
interface, oth... |
40 | 21,081 | 42,025 | winrm-transport | [DEPRECATED] Please use the WinRM gem instead. WinRM transport logic for re-using remot... |
41 | 21,106 | 31,663 | win32-pipe | The win32-pipe library provides an interface for named pipes on Windows.
A named pi... |
42 | 23,750 | 53,556 | busser-bash | A Busser runner plugin for testing bash scripts |
43 | 26,098 | 53,556 | win32-shortcut | The win32-shortcut library provides an interface for creating new
Windows shortcuts... |
44 | 27,056 | 53,556 | win32-file-security | The win32-file-security library adds security related methods to the
core File clas... |
45 | 27,742 | 86,038 | berkflow | A CLI for managing Chef Environments using Berkshelf and the Environment Cookbook Pattern. |
46 | 28,220 | 86,038 | busser-minitest | A Busser runner plugin for the minitest testing library |
47 | 32,644 | 86,038 | win32-semaphore | The win32-semaphore library provides an interface to semaphore objects
on MS Window... |
48 | 39,923 | 53,556 | win32-changenotify | The win32-changenotify library provides an interface for monitoring
changes in file... |
49 | 48,969 | 53,556 | win32-file-attributes | The win32-file-attribute library adds several file attribute methods to
the core Fi... |
50 | 51,936 | 86,038 | win32-job | The win32-job library provides an interface for jobs (process groups)
on MS Windows... |
51 | 55,344 | 28,793 | knife-linode | Linode Support for Chef's Knife Command |
52 | 66,374 | 86,038 | win32-changejournal | The win32-changejournal library provides an interface for MS Windows
change journ... |
53 | 67,837 | 86,038 | chef-stove | A utility for releasing Chef Infra cookbooks |
54 | 80,048 | 86,038 | berkshelf-bzr | A Berkshelf plugin that adds support for downloading Chef cookbooks from Bazaar locations. |
55 | 95,002 | 86,038 | win32-dirmonitor | The win32-dirmonitor library provides a way to asynchronously monitor
changes to fi... |
56 | 98,434 | 35,920 | kitchen-oraclecloud | A Test Kitchen driver for Oracle Cloud |
57 | 110,687 | 42,025 | kitchen-vcair | A Test Kitchen vCloud Air driver |
58 | 128,037 | 35,920 | kitchen-vro | A Test Kitchen driver for VMware vRealize Orchestrator (vRO) |
59 | 136,636 | 86,038 | windows-cng | The windows-cng library is a wrapper for the next generation Windows
cryptography API. |
60 | 161,230 | 86,038 | chef-community-zero | Self-contained, easy-setup, fast-start in-memory Chef Community Site for testing. |