Daddygongon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,28913,203my_helpuser building help
222,38015,872qiita_orgqiita_org gem to post qiita from org.
429,49515,872hiki2latexhiki2latex is a format converter from hikidoc to latex, using hikidoc.
536,99928,615shunkuntypetype training for shunkun.
649,30024,029weight-recorderRecording weight and fat, and display chart
777,91253,223mathjax-yardmathjax-yard provides mathjax extention to yard.
882,50197,699hiki2yardSupport making docs from hiki to yard, wiki, on gem development directory.
9104,79797,699emacs_helpdisplay emacs key bindings in Japanese.
10119,31120,946put_rakePut a template of Rakefiles on the local dir.
11142,05297,699opml2orgsimple converter from opml to emacs org-mode
12153,57153,223rubynoviceRuby programming mastering platform using Github.
13157,74528,615tiny_getiny_ge is a tiny queue system like SGE
14159,78197,699latex2hikilatex2hiki is a format convert from latex to hikidoc.
15174,99797,699org2hikiconverter from org to hiki
16182,32097,699maple_plotCLI and library codes of Ruby for Maple plot
17182,70497,699hyper_cardHyper Card for Ruby