1 | 51,624 | 78,154 | jbuilder-json_api | Adds a method to build a valid JSON API (jsonapi.org) response without any new supercla... |
2 | 107,304 | 45,714 | asset_pipeline | Boost your plain Ruby applications with neat assets served by Sprockets! |
3 | 111,853 | 45,714 | attribute_enum | Turns a dot-accessible class attribute to an enum (a.k.a bytefield). |
4 | 118,757 | 45,714 | bitcoinpay | Bitcoinpay.com API client for Ruby |
5 | 154,537 | 78,154 | sms_activate | sms-activate.ru Ruby API wrapper |
6 | 156,864 | 57,499 | blockchain-api | Just another blockchain.info API v1 & v2 wrapper. |