1 | 5,988 | 5,995 | sidekiq-rate-limiter | Redis-backed, per-worker rate limits for job processing |
2 | 6,962 | 10,655 | business_calendar | Helper gem for dealing with business days and date adjustment in multiple countries. |
3 | 8,055 | 5,071 | sidekiq-instrument | StatsD & DogStatsD Instrumentation for Sidekiq |
4 | 13,098 | 9,253 | active_record_stats | ActiveRecord instrumentation for Rails, Resque and Sidekiq |
5 | 13,262 | 10,392 | prodder | Migrations suck long-term. Now you can kill them routinely. |
6 | 14,423 | 11,002 | obvious_data | Rails gem to treat DB functions, triggers, etc more like code, and make them more disco... |