Jayelkaake's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
142,73774,510activemodel_flagsThis gem adds the ability for models to have an unlimited number of custom flags \ ...
247,51374,510sidekiq-heartbeat_monitorEasily monitor your sidekiq queus with Slack or some other notification service.
3117,52774,510user_timezoneThis gem lets you add a 'has_timezone' to a User, Contact or Account that has a city, s...
4127,95647,329dont_repeat_forAllows you to easily run a code block only once every X amount of time
5128,37347,329omniauth-smileSmile strategy for OmniAuth
6130,05930,170fera-apiFera API SDK gem to make it easy to interact with the Fera API to gather and display cu...
7159,26247,329banana_standProvides a Ruby interface to interact with the Banana Stand API. See https://www.banana...
8160,85374,510simple_speed_testerMakes it easy to test speed of a certain request
9177,16374,510fera-apps-railsCheckout the Fera Rails App github repo to get started with a beautiful Fera App integr...
10177,99047,329omniauth-feraOmniAuth strategy for Fera apps.