1 | 42,737 | 74,510 | activemodel_flags | This gem adds the ability for models to have an unlimited number of custom flags \
... |
2 | 47,513 | 74,510 | sidekiq-heartbeat_monitor | Easily monitor your sidekiq queus with Slack or some other notification service. |
3 | 117,527 | 74,510 | user_timezone | This gem lets you add a 'has_timezone' to a User, Contact or Account that has a city, s... |
4 | 127,956 | 47,329 | dont_repeat_for | Allows you to easily run a code block only once every X amount of time |
5 | 128,373 | 47,329 | omniauth-smile | Smile strategy for OmniAuth |
6 | 130,059 | 30,170 | fera-api | Fera API SDK gem to make it easy to interact with the Fera API to gather and display cu... |
7 | 159,262 | 47,329 | banana_stand | Provides a Ruby interface to interact with the Banana Stand API. See https://www.banana... |
8 | 160,853 | 74,510 | simple_speed_tester | Makes it easy to test speed of a certain request |
9 | 177,163 | 74,510 | fera-apps-rails | Checkout the Fera Rails App github repo to get started with a beautiful Fera App integr... |
10 | 177,990 | 47,329 | omniauth-fera | OmniAuth strategy for Fera apps. |