Iovis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,68615,302peerflixrbWith peerflixrb you can search for movies and TV shows and stream them directly on your...
235,80936,707addic7ed_downloaderSearch and download subtitles from Addic7ed.
354,31024,542dev_training_botCreate a poll in Slack with the proposed topics
467,97634,309fallo_motorUn favor para Carlos
581,26767,801zooqle_searchSearch Zooqle Torrents.
691,95967,801popcorntime_searchSearch the popcorn-api
796,56580,406kat_searchSearch KickAss Torrents.
8125,24167,801extratorrent_searchSearch Extratorrent for torrents and magnet links
9158,844120,680mysql2_wrapperSimple mysql2 wrapper for common tasks
10164,102120,680tpb_search'Search The Pirate Bay for torrents and magnet links'