Suhlig's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
139,65286,038revealingProvides a workflow for creating reveal.js presentations. It u...
269,27886,038tmuxinator-bosh-consoleGenerates the tmuxinator configuration for all VMs of a BOSH deployment. Each instance ...
382,63322,512httpspellhttpspell is a spellchecker that recursively fetches HTML pages, converts them to pla...
4135,85686,038pandoc-include-filterA filter for Pandoc that includes other files at compile time.
5140,40286,038git-dirtyThis gem provides a Rake task that records the git status in a separate file, which can...
6144,33835,920wg-adminwg-admin is an administration tool for WireGuard configuration.
7147,06386,038stubbornlyStubbornly retries a given block until the maximum number of attempts or timeout has be...
8180,22586,038code-engine-tasksA collection of Rake tasks for working with IBM Cloud Code Engine projects.