Alekseyl's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,7034,026niceqlThis is a simple and nice gem for SQL prettifying and formatting. Niceql splits, indent...
26,5449,988rails_select_on_includesPatching rails include/select/virtual attributes issue (
39,0055,007rails_sql_prettifierThis is an ActiveRecord integration for the SQL prettifier gem niceql.
418,79113,689enum_extEnum extension introduces: enum supersets, enum mass-assign, easy localization, and mor...
539,79321,456mini-apivoreMinitest adaptation of apivore gem, Provides a tool for test...
646,95630,445pg_cache_keycollection_cache_key replacement for system which uses PG as DB, uses PG aggregation fu...
766,26133,108testoscopeThis is simple and nice tool to inspect how application operates with current DB struct...
876,30140,433me-redisEnable to zip keys, zip values and replace simple storage key/value pairs with hash sto...
9103,635131,601izolentaMigration helpers for delegated uniqueness in Postgres
10112,296131,601airbrake_notifying_threadsThread actions with Airbrake notofication.
11118,46152,145stubberryThis a ultimate set of stub extensions. Suggest any reasonable subbing and I'll try to ...
12118,98974,615nitro_pg_cachePostgreSQL fast cache. Faster than memcache+dalli on same machine. ...
13182,060131,601brestDeclarative REST-api multifunctional tool for REST-APIs whenever ActiveRecord is used