1 | 45,761 | 47,329 | instrument_all_the_things | Wrappers to make instrumentation of methods easy and pleasant to read |
2 | 65,257 | 74,510 | hermes_messenger_of_the_gods | Things |
3 | 65,742 | 47,329 | heroku_rake_deploy | Tasks to run appllication deploys and db restores for heroku:pg databases |
4 | 71,012 | 47,329 | dynamoid_advanced_where | things |
5 | 78,367 | 27,620 | heroku_db_restore | Tasks to run appllication db_restores and db restores for heroku:pg databases |
6 | 80,693 | 74,510 | heroku_ops | Tasks to setup pipelines for your app with the typical free tier addons and run deploys... |
7 | 83,166 | 38,694 | dynamo-store | ActiveSupport Cache Store for DynamoDb |
8 | 101,550 | 47,329 | concurrent_executor | Executes things concurrently |
9 | 157,806 | 74,510 | reencryptor | Reencrytpor for legacy schemes |
10 | 162,705 | 74,510 | google_analytics_chrome_developer_cookie | Google Analytics that only triggers for visitors on your production host |
11 | 179,103 | 47,329 | s3_selector | Stream s3 select results |