Altmetric's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,29811,826urnUtility methods to normalize and validate URNs
213,6905,708ip_rangerA utility for converting IP ranges to CIDR subnets
314,1519,135embiggenA library to expand shortened URIs, respecting timeouts, following multiple redirec...
422,35111,129house_styleConfiguration files and other snippets to help you apply standards across multiple proj...
523,52113,800identifiersUtilities library for various scholarly identifiers used by Altmetric
624,59015,327fieldhandA library to harvest metadata from OAI-PMH repositories.
732,88417,852aho_corasick_matcherUses the fast Aho-Corasick text search system to find occurrences of any of a dicti...
840,55718,833mongo_batchA library to iterate over entire Mongo collections or large queries exposing an API...
964,87686,038devise_rails_api_authenticationToken-based rails-api authentication with Devise
1079,21031,663decontaminatorRuby HTML sanitizer based on a lightweight Oga parser.
11104,57753,556amazon_bookUse it to parse Amazon book links (extract ISBNs etc.)
12108,89653,556abstractifierSimple abstract generation library for Ruby.
13111,21422,512reliable-queue-rbRuby library for reliable queue processing.