Antmanj's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14830jwtA pure ruby implementation of the RFC 7519 OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) standard.
253,72515,368jwk-loaderTooling for handling JWK loading, parsing and caching
371,46350,324paytrail-clientClient for consuming the Paytrail API
491,00566,565moneta-encryptorMoneta transformer that encrypts the values before persisted in the store
5128,54879,666imagesorterCommand line tool for sorting photos and videos
6157,971100,918shoppe-paytrailShoppe module for handling Paytrail integration
7173,145100,918rustelfA rustelf component
8173,208100,918project_supportProject support
9173,399100,918storage_pathA storage_path component
10177,27266,565aikido-ruby-clientA Ruby client for the Aikido API (
11179,495140,090bennyDefine and maintain your benchmarks in a familiarway.Execute on different variations of...