1 | 14,820 | 4,833 | prefab-cloud-ruby | Feature Flags, Live Config, and Dynamic Log Levels as a service |
2 | 17,853 | 63,432 | barkeep | an extensible developer's status bar to track your current deployed commit & more |
3 | 24,853 | 15,400 | pfab | k8s helper |
4 | 35,479 | 63,432 | swish | A Ruby wrapper for the Dribbble API |
5 | 50,796 | 63,432 | motion-juxtapose | Screenshot-based assertions for RubyMotion projects |
6 | 63,856 | 63,432 | baby_tooth | A Ruby wrapper for the Health Graph API |
7 | 134,712 | 41,916 | proper_caser | Get educated guesses about proper capitalization of words and phrases |