Notime's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9912,362apipie-railsRails REST API documentation tool
22,6047,415rbovirtA Ruby client for oVirt REST API
36,0687,615dynflowRuby workflow/orchestration engine
46,7686,781foreman-tasksThe goal of this plugin is to unify the way of showing task statuses across the Foreman...
56,8209,402apipie-paramsAllows defining structure of data and perform validation against it using json-schema
67,9909,382kafoIf you write puppet modules for installing your software, you can use kafo to create po...
79,2097,615foreman_remote_executionA plugin bringing remote execution to the Foreman, completing the config management fun...
89,9067,811foreman_maintainProvides various features that helps keeping the Foreman/Satellite up and running.
913,46015,528foreman-tasks-coreCommon code used both at Forman and Foreman proxy regarding tasks
1018,85930,880smart_proxy_dynflowUse the Dynflow inside Foreman smart proxy
1119,08985,709smart_proxy_remote_execution_sshSsh remote execution provider for Foreman Smart-Proxy
1220,38614,855hammer_cli_foreman_tasksContains the code for showing of the tasks (results and progress) in the Hammer CLI.
1320,52416,659foreman_remote_execution_coreSsh remote execution provider code sharable between Foreman and Foreman-Proxy
1425,87785,709smart_proxy_dynflow_coreUse the Dynflow inside Foreman smart proxy
1529,73362,419smart_proxy_ansibleSmart-Proxy ansible plugin
1632,24516,380hammer_cli_foreman_remote_executionCLI for the Foreman remote execution plugin
1733,74624,903foreman-katello-engineKatello specific parts of Foreman
1836,66562,419smart_proxy_dhcp_infobloxInfoblox DHCP provider plugin for Foreman's smart proxy
1944,86685,709katello_apiHelps you to use Katello's API calls from your app
2049,43185,709katello-foreman-engineForeman specific parts in Katello
2153,67085,709restapiMaintain your API documentation up to date!
2256,91185,709smart_proxy_dns_infobloxInfoblox DNS provider plugin for Foreman's smart proxy
2367,18685,709smart_proxy_remote_execution_ssh_coreSsh remote execution provider for Foreman Smart-Proxy
2480,39039,524gem-nice-installA RubyGems plugin that improves gem installation user experience. If binary extension b...
2580,75144,814active_docDSL for executable documentation of your code.