Njam's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,08829,456bipbipAgent to collect data for common server programs and push them to CopperEgg
213,53829,456landrushForget about IPs in Vagrant - Automated DNS for your VMs This Vagrant plugin spins up ...
313,5909,357vagrant_cloudRuby library for the HashiCorp Vagrant Cloud API
424,86112,946mms-apiAgent for MMS API
525,45461,367foreman_debianWrapper around foreman and Procfile concept. It implements basic exporting, installing ...
628,16961,367janus_gatewayjanus-gateway API client
728,77261,367vagrant-phpstorm-tunnelInstalls a proxy php binary which can be configured as a php-interpreter in PhpStorm
830,80461,367komendaConvenience wrapper around `Open3` to run shell commands in Ruby.
932,06361,367foreman-export-initdForeman-exporter to create init.d- and monit-scripts
1044,46341,086copperegg-revealmetricsAPI client for CopperEgg Revealmetrics
1174,01961,367copperegg-alertsSet and remove alert silencing schedules aka maintenance windows