1 | 4,075 | 4,733 | rails-timeago | A Rails Helper to create time tags usable for jQuery Timeago plugin |
2 | 6,543 | 33,893 | acfs | API Client For Services |
3 | 7,304 | 11,682 | rack-link_headers | Easy Link header management for rack responses. |
4 | 7,919 | 6,012 | msgr | Msgr: Rails-like Messaging Framework |
5 | 8,260 | 8,694 | telegraf | Metric Reporter to local telegraf agent |
6 | 8,285 | 13,218 | paginate-responder | A Rails pagination responder with link header support. |
7 | 8,738 | 61,367 | restify | An experimental hypermedia REST client that uses parallel, keep-alive and pipelined req... |
8 | 10,200 | 15,549 | rails-rfc6570 | Pragmatical access to your Rails routes as RFC6570 URI templates. |
9 | 11,241 | 10,030 | mnemosyne-ruby | Ruby/Rails client for Mnemosyne APM |
10 | 11,688 | 61,367 | uuid4 | A UUIDv4 support library |
11 | 12,915 | 41,086 | decorate-responder | A Rails responder to decorate resources. |
12 | 19,139 | 41,086 | gurke | An alternative gherkin feature runner inspired by rspec and turnip. |
13 | 25,273 | 11,504 | rake-release | Configurable fork of bundlers release tasks. |
14 | 33,830 | 15,060 | multi_process | Handle multiple child processes. |
15 | 38,107 | 61,367 | deis_client | [Deis](http://deis.io/) is an open source application platform for public and private c... |
16 | 52,084 | 41,086 | rubypath | Path library incorporating File, Dir, Pathname, IO methods as well as a virtual mock fi... |