Cruikshanks's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,97542,025qukeQuke tries to simplify the process of writing and running acceptance tests by setting u...
234,44820,054defra_ruby_validatorsPackage of validations commonly used in Defra Rails based digital services
341,98735,920defra_ruby_styleA gem to simplify the process of ensuring ruby based Defra projects are using our agree...
444,08153,556defra_ruby_mocksA Rails engine which can be used to mock external services when loaded into an application
549,64724,968os_map_refThis gem allows you to gather U.K. Ordnance Survey Eastings, North, and Map References ...
650,23786,038defra_ruby_areaUse to query the EA's administrative boundary Web Feature Services for area names.
753,18586,038ea-area_lookupNo longer maintained. Use defra_ruby_area instead (
869,84586,038defra_ruby_alertProvides a single source of functionality for initialising and managing Alert in our apps.
973,20542,025defra_ruby_emailA Rails engine which can be used to access details of the last email when loaded into a...
1076,24186,038defra_ruby_awsPackage of AWS features commonly used in Defra Rails based digital services
1185,42986,038defra_ruby_featuresA Rails engine which can be used to activate and deactivate feature toggles
1290,76086,038ea-address_lookupThis gem is a wrapper around services which provide address lookup by postcode.
13110,36286,038quke_demo_appA Sinatra web app packaged as a gem that is used to demonstrate https://github/DEFRA/quke
14114,74986,038freakinA freakin awesome gem that does nothing, awesomely!
15117,49186,038ea-validationPackage containing validations: .
16123,17686,038defra_ruby_addressProvides a single source of functionality for querying Defra's various address lookup s...
17158,25253,556defra_ruby_govpayThis gem abstracts the Govpay integration code, facilitating integration within defra r...
18161,98253,556journeaJournea uses a state machine and simple form to simplify creating style smart an...