Pderouen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,57615,804origenThe Semiconductor Developer's Kit
211,04018,351origen_testersThis plugin provides Origen tester models to drive ATE type testers like the J750, Ultr...
319,70353,556origen_doc_helpersSnippets and helpers for creating Origen web documents
423,07035,920origen_arm_debugProvides an Origen API to perform register read and write operations via the ARM_DEBUG ...
525,08035,920origen_jtagJTAG driver for the Origen SDK
625,74886,038origen_app_generatorsOrigen application generators
726,22786,038origen_simPlugin that provides a testbench environment to simulate Origen test patterns
844,51842,025origen_linkOrigen interface to a live DUT tester
955,77842,025origen_memory_imageProvides a standard API for consuming memory image files in any format e.g. s-record, hex
1095,46753,556origen_spiDriver for SPI protocol