Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
2621-2640 of all 183,147 gems.
2,6215,400,506yaml_extendExtends YAML to support file based inheritance
2,6225,396,384sendgridThis gem allows simple integration between ActionMailer and SendGrid. ...
2,6235,393,899spring-commands-cucumbercucumber command for spring
2,6245,381,580romajiYet another Romaji-Kana transliterator
2,6255,365,362foreignerAdds helpers to migrations and dumps foreign keys to schema.rb
2,6265,361,048powerbarThe last progressbar-library you'll ever need
2,6275,360,628simple-graphiteSimple methods for sending data to graphite over TCP or UDP
2,6285,358,067image_optim_packPrecompiled binaries for image_optim: advpng, gifsicle, jhead, jpeg-recompress, jpegopt...
2,6295,354,794certifiRubygem for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle
2,6305,346,226double-bag-ftpsProvides a child class of Net::FTP to support implicit and explicit FTPS.
2,6315,331,556sunspotSunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sun...
2,6325,328,921rpushThe push notification service for Ruby.
2,6335,312,024mopedA MongoDB driver for Ruby.
2,6345,304,280database_rewinderA minimalist's tiny and ultra-fast database cleaner for Active Record
2,6355,303,232hairtriggerallows you to declare database triggers in ruby in your models, and then generate appro...
2,6365,299,616bower-railsRails integration for bower.
2,6375,295,694ruby-mp3inforuby-mp3info read low-level informations and manipulate tags on mp3 files.
2,6385,286,430fluent-plugin-scriptFluentd filter plugin to external ruby script
2,6395,280,441arel-helpersUseful tools to help construct database queries with ActiveRecord and Arel.
2,6405,275,920clipboard-railsThis gem provides the clipboard.js Javascript library for your Rails 4 and Rails 5 appl...