Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
3321-3340 of all 183,155 gems.
3,3213,068,936omniauth-shopify-oauth2Shopify strategy for OmniAuth
3,3223,068,780yard-cucumberYARD-Cucumber is a YARD extension that processes Cucumber Features, Scenarios, Steps, ...
3,3233,064,361dependabot-git_submodulesDependabot-Git_Submodules provides support for bumping git submodules via Dependabot. I...
3,3243,062,692rails_layoutGenerates Rails application layout files for use with various front-end frameworks.
3,3253,053,943dependabot-pythonDependabot-Python provides support for bumping Python packages via Dependabot. If you w...
3,3263,052,320lita-slackLita adapter for Slack.
3,3273,050,646trailblazerRuby framework for structuring your business logic.
3,3283,050,092aws-sdk-launchwizardOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Launch Wizard. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
3,3293,049,665puppet-lint-variable_contains_upcaseExtends puppet-lint to ensure that your variables are all lower case
3,3303,048,977flag_shih_tzuBit fields for ActiveRecord: This gem lets you use a single integer column in an Active...
3,3313,048,941jazzySoulful docs for Swift & Objective-C. Run in your SPM or Xcode project's root directory...
3,3323,048,375omniauth-trelloOAuth 1.0 Strategy for Trello
3,3333,047,708route_translatorTranslates the Rails routes of your application into the languages defined in your loca...
3,3343,046,497active_record_upsertReal PostgreSQL 9.5+ upserts using ON CONFLICT for ActiveRecord
3,3353,043,255google-cloud-storage_transfer-v1Storage Transfer Service allows you to quickly import online data into Cloud Storage. Y...
3,3363,042,557metasploit_payloads-mettleCompiled binaries for Metasploit's next-gen Meterpreter
3,3373,041,875dependabot-nugetDependabot-Nuget provides support for bumping .NET (NuGet) packages via Dependabot. If ...
3,3383,039,126google-cloud-storage_transferStorage Transfer Service allows you to quickly import online data into Cloud Storage. Y...
3,3393,039,035dependabot-cargoDependabot-Cargo provides support for bumping Rust (cargo) crates via Dependabot. If yo...
3,3403,036,725capistrano3-unicornUnicorn specific Capistrano tasks