Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
3461-3480 of all 183,155 gems.
3,4612,756,424tty-progressbarDisplay a single or multiple progress bars in the terminal. A progress bar can show det...
3,4622,755,840sql_enumEnable using native sql enums
3,4632,755,000json-streamA parser best suited for huge JSON documents that don't fit in memory.
3,4642,753,453bitmask_attributesSimple bitmask attribute support for ActiveRecord
3,4652,752,119rails_configPlease install the Config gem instead.
3,4662,749,157fluent-plugin-geoipFluentd Filter plugin to add information about geographical location of IP addresses wi...
3,4672,748,336faraday_middleware-parse_ojFaraday middleware for parsing JSON using the Oj parser.
3,4682,748,329geoip2_cWrite a longer description or delete this line.
3,4692,746,212webdriver-highlighterAutomatically highlight used elements in Selenium-WebDriver
3,4702,744,942active_admin_datetimepickerIntegrate jQuery xdan datetimepicker plugin to ActiveAdmin
3,4712,740,322deloreanDelorean lets you travel in time with Ruby by mocking
3,4722,739,587meta_searchAllows simple search forms to be created against an AR3 model and its association...
3,4732,738,185packsProvides CLI tools for working with ruby packs.
3,4742,734,701fluent-plugin-remote_syslogFluentd output plugin for remote syslog
3,4752,733,209zeroclipboard-railsZeroClipboard libary support for Rails
3,4762,731,712minitest-bisectHunting down random test failures can be very very difficult, sometimes impossible, but...
3,4772,731,653mercurial-rubyRuby API for Mercurial DVCS.
3,4782,728,720caboose-cmsCMS built on rails with love.
3,4792,728,077rruleA gem for expanding dates according to the RRule specification
3,4802,727,767codemirror-railsThis gem provides CodeMirror assets for your Rails application.