Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
4061-4080 of all 183,164 gems.
4,0611,868,470fluent-plugin-multiline-parserfluentd plugin to parse single field, or to combine log structure into single field, an...
4,0621,866,663http_loggerThis gem keep an eye on every Net::HTTP library usage and dump all request and response...
4,0631,866,541cli-kitTerminal UI framework extensions
4,0641,864,686image_optimizerA simple image optimizer
4,0651,863,'s ruby gem
4,0661,862,026rails-timeagoA Rails Helper to create time tags usable for jQuery Timeago plugin
4,0671,861,389capistrano3-delayed-jobManage start/stop/restart/status of DelayedJob workers using Capistrano 3
4,0681,856,698riplripl is a light shell that encourages common middleware for shells i.e. rack for ruby s...
4,0691,856,223jewelerSimple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub
4,0701,855,891cached_resourceEnables request-based caching for ActiveResource
4,0711,854,177awsecretsAWS credentials loader
4,0721,854,046credentials_managerPassword manager used in
4,0731,851,505run_loopThe bridge between Calabash iOS and Xcode command-line tools like instruments and simctl.
4,0741,851,281sequencedSequenced is a gem that generates scoped sequential IDs for ActiveRecord models.
4,0751,850,348mandrill-railsRails integration for Mandrill
4,0761,849,891xray-railsProvides a dev bar and an overlay in-browser to visualize your UI's rendered partials
4,0771,849,556cucumber_prioritycucumber_priority provides a way to mark step definitions as overridable, meaning that ...
4,0781,847,062client_side_validations-simple_formSimpleForm Plugin for ClientSideValidations
4,0791,844,961subroutineAn interface for creating feature-driven operations.
4,0801,844,311delayed_cron_jobDelayed Cron Job is an extension to Delayed::Job that allows ...